These are some screen grabs that show Penny Alesi promoting what has become her signature: a storyline of victimhood laced with lies. She complains about being harassed, yet she provides no evidence that she is being harrassed, she merely SAYS SO.
Considering she has bragged (and maybe still is bragging) that she 1) was a veterinarian 2) worked at Ground Zero 3) worked in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and numerous other claims, all of which are patently false, it becomes difficult to believe a single thing she claims. There is no reason anyone should believe her story, yet Paul Woolverton of the Fayetteville Observer and others put stories in print based on her one-sided hysterical diatribes.
And if you ever heard her shrieking phone calls, or heard her hateful even-toned phone calls, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize how disturbed she is.
It is impossible for people to get both HIV 1 and HIV 2; she claimed she was 'sick' and her immune system was compromised long before she even MET Idema.
It is easy to do fact-checking if one is interested in finding out the truth.
In court documents, Alesi claimed in her affadavit to be Jack Idema's wife when in reality they never were married, and signed over a piece of property as President of a Corporation on a date when she was no longer President. And she signed it over to a bum that lives in a dump surrounded by garbage for $10.00.
It began with a deed that was filed at the Registry of Deeds on October 27, 2010, but was signed by Alesi on October 26, 2010. Nobody caught that error. Screen grabs below.
The October document was two pages long when a deed like this is normally one page long and that is because the date of the signature was not the date it was filed with the Registry of Deeds. Those details should have rendered the document void from the start. Then, in March, they went ahead and did it again. And then they did it two more times.
Then there were more documents filed at the end of March, to prohibit Idema from being able to do anything with HIS BUILDING. Then, unbelievably, there were two more documents filed in May. If my calculations are correct, that makes 5 fraudulent deeds these con artists tried to sneak past the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds.
April 8 2011- Court Order Signed and Filed
She signed over a deed for a piece of property that she didn't own representing a Corporation when she had no right to do so; she had resigned almost a month prior.
After court proceedings protesting these illegal actions, Alesi ignored the law and the court orders and went ahead and signed these deeds more times than you'd think was possible, but it is apparent she has no regard for the law, and neither does her co-conspirator, William John Hagler. Penny Alesi should not have been attempting to represent a Corporation in a deed of Trust when she was not the Trustee and did not have the legal authority to do it.
Investigating claims and finding out the truth is what journalists should be doing, and it is a shame that they are so willing to listen to the relentless complaints from a whining nutcase.
I've been posing questions to the people this woman is targeting, and the result I've found is this woman is separated from reality and is in need of some serious mental help. If it was just her alone, that would be one thing, but she is actively recruiting others to help her in her deceptions which appear to be born of resentment and jealousy that springs from her numerous insecurities.
I see all the garbage you wrote is still up about me. Who are you? Why don't you use your real name & confront me like a man(or woman or whatever you are)? And you can get both HIV's if someone from another country (meaning Idema) gave them to you. Stop posting bs about me, coward.
There are no liars here except you. Sod off.
Who's the Desperate Housewife now Cow??